Decided to add malber’s wolf to the game again. The orc really looks great on it!
Malber’s Wolf

Decided to add malber’s wolf to the game again. The orc really looks great on it!
it was only a matter of time before we added orcs to the mix. now humans must defend their homeland against the green skins!
This is the 10th armor set and probably the most fancy, it will be the first pvp reward in the game and should be pretty rare to obtain. The cigar actually puffs smoke! The watch also tells time according to your machines time!
Since I switched to URP I needed to redo some textures on the armor sets. They really look good in this environment and should be a nice goal for collectors.
Started the whole project over and went with the Unity Universal Rendering Pipeline. This allows the use of some great effects and really makes some of the textures shine as you can see.
New angel wings, still a wip but I they were kind of built on a whim.
The new charge attack uses the ummorpg buffskill set to buff your speed until you hit your goal. This works in the linux environment and looks great! Also got my youtube channel cleaned up a little so feel free to subscribe and leave comments!
got the capes working on mount and while he runs, huge hurdle. turns out there was an override in ummorpg player.cs that goes to the default animator controller instead of any children controllers in use. by adding && != “Cape” we can bypass this override and use the animator controller as desired.
Animator anim = go.GetComponent<Animator>(); if (anim != null && != “Cape”) { // assign main animation controller to it anim.runtimeAnimatorController = animator.runtimeAnimatorController; // restart all animators, so that skinned mesh equipment will be // in sync with the main animation RebindAnimators(); }
finally got the malber’s animation to work with ummorpg. Also fixed an issue with the characters rotation during strafe. The results are beautiful.
Utilizing Faiyth’s addons for ummorpg has been an uphill battle. There are so many great options available through this package, but they conflict with a lot of other assets we are already using. There’s also a lot of options available in her package that require a lot of fine tuning to work properly. However we now have hitboxes on the weapons that should work precisely in combat. This is awesome for the player because now you will see damage produced when collisions occur.